Holiday Marketing: 12 Marketing Campaigns That Happy Holidays!
We are less than a month away…do you have your marketing campaigns planned and assembled for the 2018 Holiday season yet? I know I know, holidays can be a stressful time for companies who want to make a great offer but are not sure quite what offer to make. Still, companies know that the holidays are a “can’t miss” opportunity to either sell more product to existing customers or convert those leads that have been fence into customers.

Here are 12 marketing campaign ideas that say…Happy Holidays!
- New Traditions. Instead of spending time at the mall, encourage clients to make some new traditions that focus on budgeting for the holidays. Provide them with some tips, like those from the AICPA’s Benjamin Banks and using a subject line like “Yule Adore These Tips!” Image tip – exhausted shopper.
- Send a Message. Invite clients to your office to make (or donate) holiday-themed decorations for the less fortunate in your area. Then donate the decorations to your local shelter with a holiday message about caring.
- Wrap it Up. Like #2, this one focuses on a gift-wrapping party for children in your area. The firm could collect donation and have a gift-wrapping party that clients are invited to attend.
- It’s a party. Consider a “block” party in your building or local geographic area. Invite local business pros to your event – consider giveaways or a charitable angle to the event. It’s a great way to provide those who work near you with insight into what your business does, which could generate leads.
- Host an 8- or 12-Day Giveaway. Create an email campaign that is sent to clients. Each day the client has an opportunity to “win” something from the firm. The prizes could range from a business highlight in your next newsletter, to a banner ad on your site, a free webinar for their company, or even a percentage off a service.
- Spruce it Up. If you’re running AdWords or Facebook campaigns, adding holiday-related terms could help increase exposure during the gift-giving month. One way to do this is with Google Trends, which will show you holiday-related terms in your geography. When you combine those with a service line, it’s like a gift to you. Here’s an example for a text ad. “Did you overspend at the holidays? Don’t worry. You might be able to claim a gift expense on your taxes. Call us to find out.”
- Share the Wealth. The holidays bring out recipes that have long-standing traditions. Ask staff and clients to send in their best recipes to create a recipe book for sale in the spring. Then have the proceeds donated to the food pantry in your area.
- Tell Us. If you have a Facebook or Instagram page, ask staff and clients to share their most favorite memory about the holidays, including photos and/or video will make the post memorable. Be sure to use a firm-specific hashtag, such as #[firmname]Holiday to help track engagement.
- Thinking of You. Many companies send out holiday cards to clients. Have you also considered buying a few boxes of cards and sending them to the local retirement community? You could ask the facility for people’s first names and have staff sign cards for them for delivery prior to the holidays.
- Wow, That’s Ugly. Host an ugly holiday sweater photo contest in conjunction with a local small business. The prize would be from the business. The promotion would happen on your social media profiles. It’s a win-win for both companies and helps to promote both businesses.
- Update It. If you have social media profiles and/or a website, create cover images that are holiday themed. If you’re really feeling excited about the holidays, create several of them and switch them out throughout the month.
- Put a bow on it. Create a services package and promote it only during the holiday season. This will require two dedicated landing pages on your website; one with a promotional code or something you can tag to new clients only; and second a referral page for existing clients. If a new client signs up for the package deal, he/she gets a 10-percent discount on the services. For example, if you offer individual and business tax services, combine the offer. Promote it online and ask existing clients to share the promotion—also offering them 10 percent off their next service if they do it and their referral signs on.
Whether your business is online or offline, B2B or B2C…those are 12 campaigns that you can use to promote your business during the 2018 Holiday season. Use them, tweak them to make the Holiday season less stressful and you can take full advantage of the buying mindset that we all have during that time of year.
Do you need help planning and executing marketing campaigns? Our team of highly skilled marketing and techs can help you do just that. Contact us now for a FREE consultation with one of our marketing experts so you can get our recommendations.