Is There Enough? [Me Me Me!]
Reader- this post was written a few days ago while it was fresh in my brain. I felt it important to note that.
A few years ago I had the opportunity to meet Peter Diamandis the founder of the X-PRIZE Foundation for lunch. Through a couple connections I had weaseled my way into the meeting in order to talk with him about an idea I had- a grandeeeeiioosS idea. One of those heart stoppers that just about nobody but yourself can actually digest, and when you start talking about it just stumbled all over your own words. Yea, it was one of those type ideas. The meeting went well but I could tell I didn’t really get the excitement of my big idea across in a way that he “got it”. Granted- I didn’t have it quite all fleshed out and the notebook scribbles weren’t actually prize winning mockups nor represented the type of dedicated commitment that is required to go through with something like I was talking about, nonetheless we had a good lunch and I was able to get my foot a little closer to the space industry. Albeit- he may have been wiping his brow with a *whew, glad that’s over!* when I walked out- but I was on cloud 9.
For those that have known me a long time- exploring space has been my big goal. It was why I was passionate enough to leave small town Indian and drive the old red Dodge to Florida to attend Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (and barely squeeze out the Engineering Physics degree). After college I saw all my friend end up with desk jobs, instead of this dream job I had of working on cutting edge technology with my hands- rockets, engines, parts and dirt under my fingernails. No “desk job” for this guy… alas, I do work behind a desk, only I’m not chained to it, unless I want to me. But it surely isn’t the purpose filled position I felt would be waiting for me on the other side of school- the one society set me up to believe would exist. (Some token there lets me feel compassion for the entitlement groups, we [collectively] set them up for disappointment about the hard word required, and the elusive elements of contentment and happiness).
The online technology business route has served me well, I surely can’t complain about that, however I sense the winds of change starting to blow. Some good changes- drastic? probably not, but ones that are moving me closer to those passions I held while looking at the stars on Country Road 29 after sneaking out until 2am on a school night in high school.
I recently had the opportunity to meet Peter again, last Thursday at Joe Polish’s Genius Network Mastermind to be exact. Thursday evening he gave a presentation that got me more fired up than I’ve been in years. Fired up to the point my brain was screaming, STOP EVERYTHING- GET INVOLVED IN … … SOMETHING RELATED TO THIS!. It was nothing short of intense and got my gears turning at a high rate of speed- looking at my life as it stands and where I want to go. Am I doing what I REALLY want to be doing? Am I involved in the technologies that make me excited to get up in the morning? Or have I just been building a skill set- on a training path thus far? Those are the questions my brain wouldn’t stop spinning with. The final question became, HOW can I HELP Peter Diamandis and get closer to his world of advancing cutting edge technologies and space exploration? The answer came the next day.
The group normally does “hotseats” where someone talks about a business problem or issue they have and they ask others for help on it. Well, since Peter was the high profile guest for the day- he was up first. Most of the individuals in Joe’s group are privy to direct response marketing, so it didn’t take Peter talking through his book launch strategy for very long before the room realized he could use some extra firepower to make it a big hit. After the amazing presentation he did the night before, everybody was offering up help in major ways. We ended up taking the afternoon to create on a support strategy that could help Peter maximize the impact of the book, and I was the first to raise my hand in spearheading and managing the efforts.
The past 96 hrs have been bumrushed with insanity. Moving at 1000 mph is draining but can be so rewarding when you know your energy is going for something valuable. For me- its helping spread a message that is worth spreading and looking in the right direction. Below is a link for you to view the exact same message that motivated me. Watch it and if it knocks your socks off, buy the book- you will not be disappointed.