Below are a list of membership sites the Tech Guys team have built from the ground-up. We’ve had our hand in dozens of other sites that use complex membership backends, where we were brought into increase stick rate, build logical product ascension, encourage users to move through the content and other KPI’s associated with community growth.
Tony Robbins Platinum Partner – We developed this membership site from scratch for Tony’s high-end Platinum members.
Pam Hendrickson & Mike Koenigs’ “Make Market Launch IT” Membership Site – We took their initial branding, colors and mockups, improved upon them. This is the membership site that we’ve helped them launch and relaunch that’s brought in millions of dollars in sales.
Gary and Dan Fitzpatrick’s Stock Market Mentor – We built the initial site a few years back and helped them sell 7-figures worth of recurring members. We are currently working on the next iteration of their membership site, which is shown on the right. Note that the right image has a floating navigation which clutters the screen shot, but is not an issue for user experience.

Mike Dillard’s Elevation Group Membership Site – We built Mike Dillard and Robert Hirsch’s “The Elevation Group” membership site with WordPress, linking it with a complex technological infrastructure. Affiliate management through PAP, reporting all information back to Salesforce CRM, this was a complex and highly profitable launch for the client.
Kevin Thompson’s JV Jedi – We detailed the entire marketing funnel with a webinar, including all image creatives, Infusionsoft backend, etc. Very successful campaign.